R3 GUI Reactors
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Technical documentation for developers.
Part of the R3 Graphical User Interface (GUI).
New users should read the R3 GUI - User's Guide.
Events on GUI faces trigger reactors.
When a user pushes a button, something happens. The GUI reacts to user input. The result may be a common action such as opening or closing a window, or it may be a very specific action. A reactor is just a type of shortcut for a common action. They make the GUI easier to use by eliminating the need to write detailed code.
Reactors are attached to faces and are invoked by the actors of its style. A reactor can include a single argument value. If more than one argument is needed, they must be enclosed in a block.
Multiple reactors can be attached to the same face. Each reactor is processed in the order that it appears, so the consequences of a reactor's actions must be considered; it can impact the reactors that follow.
Using Reactors
Reactors are specified in the GUI dialect that is used to create a panels.
For example, here's a panel that opens a window and displays three buttons, each of which that specifies a reactor:
view [ button "REBOL" browse http://www.rebol.com button "Alert" alert "This is an alert." button "Close" close ]
The obvious actions occur when each button is pressed. The browse reactor opens a web browser, the alert opens a pop-up alert panel, and close will close the current window.
Standard Reactors
These reactor functions are provided as a standard part of the GUI:
Reactor | Description |
alert | open an alert message box window |
attach | set a target value to our value |
back | return to prior panel (on panel stack) |
browse | open web browser to given URL |
call | run a shell script on local OS |
clear | clear face value (empty it) |
close | close the window |
debug | trace face operation |
do | evaluate a REBOL block, file, or URL |
download | opens download progress panel, starts download |
dump | probe the contents of the related face object |
edit | opens editor for specified content |
halt | halt the interpreter |
link | fetch reb content and evaluate it |
launch | run file or URL in a new instance of REBOL |
open | open a file using local OS methods |
quit | exit the application |
play | plays a sound |
print output | |
reset | reset face to original value |
scroll | scroll a target face |
send | sends a message to a target |
set | set the state of another face |
submit | submit face (or panel) to service or website |
undo | undo last change |
upload | opens upload progress panel, starts upload |
view | view a new "page" |
Here are a few examples:
button "Alert" alert "This is an alert." button "Browse" browse http://www.rebol.com button "Close" close button "Do" do [alert "It worked!"] button "Dump" dump button "Halt" halt button "Launch" launch %test.r button "Print" print "print to console" button "Quit" quit button "Run" run %explorer.exe button "View" view [button "Close" close] f1: field "Field 1" button "Focus on 1" focus 'f1
Multiple Reactors
A face can have more than one reactor. Each reactor is processed in the order that it appears. The example below shows how two fields are reset using a single reset button:
user: field pass: field button "Reset" reset 'user reset 'pass
Reactors are processed from left to right, so be sure to consider that.
For example, this line works:
button "Submit" submit cgi-url clear 'user
But, in this line the field is cleared, so the submitted text is empty:
button "Submit" clear 'user submit cgi-url
So, that's not useful.
Creating Custom Reactors
The make-reactor function can be called to create custom reactors for your GUI. One or more new reactors can be defined. The format of a reactor definition is similar to that of a function, except the function creator such as func is not used.
Here's an example reactor definition:
make-reactor [ my-browse: ["Open web browser." arg [url! file!]] [browse arg] ]
Calling Reactors
When implmenting a style actor, when a final result is known, it may be necessary to call one or more face reactors.
The do-face function calls reactors. This line calls all reactors:
do-face face
To call a specific reactor, you can write:
do-face/only face 'reactor
where reactor is its name.
Here's an example panel that uses a few different reactors:
view [ panel 2 [ button "Do" do [request "Got it!" "It worked."] button "Browse" browse http://www.rebol.com button "Run" run %explorer button "Alert" alert "This is an alert." ] panel 2 [ f1: field "Field 1" f2: field "Field 2" button "Focus on 1" focus 'f1 button "Focus on 2" focus 'f2 ] panel 2 [ button "Close" close button "Halt" halt button "Quit" quit button "Print" print "print this message" button "Dump" dump ] ]