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WIP Wiki Markup Notations

The markup format used by The WIP Wiki.

Under construction


Basic Syntax
Normal Paragraphs
Commands for Special Actions
Formats for Simple Lists

Basic Syntax

Pages are created from simple text files. Within the text markup notations are used to indicate special actions.

The basic format includes:

paragraphsnormal text on one or more consecutive lines - ended by a blank line.
commandslines beginning with an = (equal), for example, to create section headings.
formatslines beginning with other characters to indicate bullets, definitions, and other special formats.
examplesindented text, normally with a tab or a few spaces.
tagswithin normal text, special tags are used for creating URL links and other types of output.

Normal Paragraphs

A paragraph consists of one or more lines of text.

Each paragraph is separated by a blank line. Paragraphs should also be separated from other formatting commands by a blank line.

Here are two paragraphs:

Each paragraph can be wrapped or not wrapped, because
all paragraphs are separated with blank lines.

So this is the next paragraph. This method makes it
easier to deal with markup text from command shells
and other environments where line wrapping is problematic.

When formatted, they will look like this:

Each paragraph can be wrapped or not wrapped, because all paragraphs are separated with blank lines.

So this is the next paragraph. This method makes it easier to deal with markup text from command shells and other environments where line wrapping is problematic.

Commands for Special Actions

Commands are used for special document actions.

A command is indicated by a line that begins with an equal (=), which is followed by the command name.

Here are a few examples:

=image    display an image file
=include  merge a file into the document
=table    begin a table
=html     preserve HTML lines as-is
=toc      insert the table of contents
=note     show text as a highlighted note
=sidebar  begin a sidebar section
=split    split the page into multiple columns
=meta     add meta tags to the page header
=*        a specially stressed line (bold line).
==        the output of a code example
===       a top level heading
====      a second level heading

A full list of commands is provided in the appendix below.

Formats for Simple Lists

These are shortcuts for the most common document formats.

A few types of lists are very common in documents. A few simple notations makes it a lot easier easier to create, edit, and maintain them.

The formats allow:

A bullet list is written like this:

*Item 1
*Item 2
**Sub-item 2.1
**Sub-item 2.2
***Sub-sub-item 2.2.1
*Item 3

It would appear as:

Similarly, a numbered list would be:

#Item 1
#Item 2
##Sub-item 2.1
##Sub-item 2.2
###Sub-sub-item 2.2.1
#Item 3

And would appear as:

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
    1. Sub-item 2.1
    2. Sub-item 2.2
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