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Desktop Directory Structure

The default REBOL/View installation includes this file structure:

REBOL/View - (the default installation directory)

    rebol.exe - the REBOL program
    prefs.r - preference settings
    user.r - user extensions and patches
    rebol.r - REBOL extensions and patches
    desktop/ - desktop files directory
        bookmarks.r - desktop bookmark icons
        filetypes.r - file association table
        history.r - holds the GOTO history block
        services.r - desktop service actions
        icons/ - holds the default desktop icons
        skins/ - skins directory (not yet used)
        sounds/ - sound directory (not yet used)
        tools/ - useful desktop tools and utilities
    public/ - REB cache directory - file cache
        www.***.com - other file caches

Preference File

The prefs.r file in your View installation directory holds your desktop preference settings. This is a text-based REBOL file and, if necessary, it can be edited with any text editor.

The default settings for prefs.r are:

REBOL [Title: "User Preferences"]

name: "Your Name"
pass: none
proxy-user: none
proxy-pass: none
connect-wait: none
log: none
debug: none
window-size: none
window-offset: none
icon-offset: none
keymap: none
auto-connect: true
always-close: true
desktop: true
skin: none

Bookmarks and Services Files

The bookmarks.r and services.r files use the desktop Index file format, the same as a folder. The format is described in Publishing Files to the Reb.

Services are loaded from the %services.r file, which you can edit to add your own services. For example, if you wanted to be able to send feedback to REBOL from the services bar, you could add the following line to your %services.r file.

service "Feedback"

Network File Cache

When you access desktop icons that are linked to network files, the files will be read from the network and stored locally in a cache. This greatly speeds access to the files when you access them again at a later time.

The cached files are stored in the view/public directory. A file is created whenever you connect to a site and read files. The path used for the cache is identical to that which appears in the URL from which the file was read.

You can access any of the files in the cache directly from your operating system. For instance you can run REBOL .r files or view text and image files in the same way you would any other file in your system.

In addition, you can delete any or all of the files from your directory cache at any time.

MakeDoc2 by REBOL - 15-Jun-2005